Saturday, January 24, 2009

Mowhawk.....Check out the Poll off to the right.

He loves Gloves...these ones are a little big.
Our little Dance Machine....Rocking out to the Jackson 5


Natalie said...

How fun! I was growing Seth's hair out and it was really starting to look great, and then Chris couldn't take it anymore and cut it all off! Well, he didn't shave it, but I was still pretty mad.

kaysi van dyke fox said...

hahahaha!!! SOOO cute!! lex luthor for sure!!! :)

Anonymous said...

He really looks like uncle fester, but I voted for lex luther. I don't want the kid to be scarred for life.

-uncle Brady

bren said...

Did you get Hayden's jacket at Childrens Place? Deacon has the same one, or similar. How are you doing being a Mom of two Jamie?